Thursday 24 July 2014


International community in awe of PM’s handling of MH17 tragedy

On July 25, 2014, in In The News
PETALING JAYA: Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has taken a risk that no European leaders would but this has earned him the international community’s admiration for his handling of the MH17 tragedy, says The Wall Street Journal.

In an article, it wrote that the Prime Minister took the risk, which was to send officials into a war zone to meet armed rebels whose government almost no one recognised.
“While European governments wrestled with how to get to the site without legitimising the rebels or risking security, Najib put aside diplomatic protocol and safety fears and sent his team,” it said.

The article quoted a source close to the Prime Minister’s Office as saying that what was key to Najib was the outcome of the move.

This resulted in the retrieval of bodies and black boxes from the separatist leaders at Donetsk.
“He was looking at people who controlled an area of land. And on that land was our plane, our bodies, our black boxes,” the source said.

The article said the success delivered a political victory for Najib’s government that was still reeling from missteps after the disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines plane in March with 239 passengers on board.

“But it also handed a gift to the rebels in the form of an accord, signed by the top Malaysian official present in Donetsk, calling the crash site ‘the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic’,” it added.

The recognition, said the newspaper, could antagonise Kiev and Washington, which strove to not give any credibility to the rebels whose main leaders were Russians.
However, people close to Najib’s office said the dealings did not amount to recognition.

The article also said that Najib steered clear of joining many Western leaders in blaming the rebels for downing the airliner and preserved Malaysia’s traditional stance of not taking sides among the United States, Russia and China.

“Instead, he quietly began looking for a back channel to speak with the insurgents,” it said.

Najib, known as a calm and pragmatic mediator, managed to reach out to rebel leader Alexander Borodai, through an unidentified intermediary.
“Najib’s intervention resolved a diplomatically awkward situation, enabling the bodies to be retrieved and an investigation to be initiated,” it said.

-The STAR-

* ASEAN country adopts a NON-ALIGNED policy


MH17 Unites Malaysians….for real? 

Read More Here 

When the MH370 went missing, the government was fiercely attacked by the Oppositions.  It was a no mercy - a once and for all shoot to kill attack.   In fact, the government is still accused of not telling the whole truth about the whole thing.  Every word was taken negatively, every news was spin and every action was said to be not good enough or totally wrong.  Relationship with China was at stake. 
The truth is, nobody can say for sure what happened to MH370 but everybody agrees that it is a victim of the superpower’s game.  And blaming the government for being ‘sucked’ into the game is just unfair.  Whoever is the Prime Minister or Transport Minister or whichever party is in power at the time when the plane went missing would never be able to predict or to know how to handle the situation best.  In fact, should Anwar or Kit Siang was the one in power, I can assure you that they would have done worse. 
But of course, if they were in power, there would be no reason for MH370 to go missing, would it?
How do we expect Malaysia or anybody to react to the international investigators and rescue team of the superpowers when they tell you that the plane is there, and then it is here but then everywhere and nowhere at the same time? 
With inadequate expertise and assets, how could we not rely on their advices and follow everywhere they directed us to go when all we can think of is save the victims and to find the plane as soon as possible?
There is really nothing much that the Malaysian government can do but to bear the criticism and the blame as any little country would have done.  If there is really something that the government didn’t tell us, it must be for the best of everybody.  
At least, we managed to ensure that our relationship with China remains good, and that, deserves a compliment.  For the time being let us just continue to pray that MH370 would one day ‘surfaced’ and ignore the Oppositions’ attempts to break us apart. 
Unlike MH370, the Oppositions are taking a different approach in MH17.  This time, they didn’t directly blame or accuse the government because that would be ridiculously obvious.  All of the sudden, this time, the government is credible and not weak anymore.  There are even kind words offered by the oppositions, complimenting the government on the handling of the situation. 
Gone are the daring calls for May 13 and now the Oppositions are talking about Malaysians to unite in grief over MH17.  Hmm…why the sudden change of attitude? 
Don’t be so sure.  The Oppositions may not blame the government, but that doesn’t mean that they have repented.  Just listen to what Lim Guan Eng had to say in the Parliament yesterday.  
Guan Eng urges the government to use whatever influence it has to place the necessary pressure in getting to the truth of what had happened to MH17.    He said, Malaysia bought 18 Sukhoi Su-30MKM fighter jets worth USD900 million in August 2003. If Malaysia has not settled the full payment for these jets, we should postpone the payment, if necessary.” 
“Malaysia should also be ready to cancel the second Angkasawan programme which was part of the fighter jets purchase if we think that Russia will not give its full cooperation to the international as well as Malaysian community.”  and,

"Also, as proposed by the international community, we should consider joining the boycott against Russia."
Wow!  They had failed to bring us against China and now they want to bring us against Russia. 
If you have been reading my blog, you should be able to piece these puzzles together:
  • MH370’s missing is linked to the death of the IP holders of some most sophisticated assets specifically designed to bypass radars and satellites. 
  •  Russians make the best weapons of defense and Malaysia buys from them.
  • DAP wants us to stop buying these sophisticated weapons from Russia.
  • U.S doesn’t have access and knowledge to Russian’s technology. 
  • Singapore is buying war tanks. 

It looks to me that Guan Eng is not only trying to spoil our good relationship with Russia but also trying to stop us from having the best weapons of defense.   Why?  It could be connected to Israel’s ally and DAP’s blood brother, Singapore, buying war tanks. 
Investigation is still ongoing on the shooting of MH17.  However, the U.S is adamant in accusing that Russia is responsible.   Russia in turn, takes a very professional approach and revealed evidence of satellite photos in its defense. The negotiation went smoothly and Malaysia managed to get the black box and the bodies of the victims without much problems. 
Overall, we must say that Russians are very helpful in their own way.  To accuse them without hard evidence would surely create tensions in the relationship of both countries.  And Malaysia cannot afford to be hostile to anyone, especially Russia, which might be the only country that could balance up the voices of the superpowers in the United Nation. 
I hate to say this, but thanks to the downing of MH17, we are now able to see clearly who are the U.S’s/Israelis/Zionists’ tools or agents or goons in Malaysia.  They have made their voices clear on the streets, in the parliament and in their media statements.  They are all echoing the U.S putting the blame solely and fiercely on Russia. 
Meanwhile, Israel is making friend with China.  China would be a good economic and political back-up for Israel as the U.S government may not be able to stand the rising protests by the Americans against the Zionists any longer.   The Chinese, on the other hand, don’t give a damn about Palestinians or anybody else.
So, what we are seeing here looks like Israel eliminating its enemies and regrouping its allies, as it finally securing the land of Palestine and getting ready for World War III. 
The New World Order is becoming a reality. 

Is this too high an imagination of mine? Well, ‘man landing on the moon’ was once ‘just an imagination’.   


Mayat-Mayat Mangsa #MH17 Diberi Penghormatan Di Belanda #Justice4MH17

Semalam mayat² mangsa pesawat MAS MH17 telah selamat tiba di Amsterdam dan dibawa untuk pengecaman dan ujian DNA bagi menentukan identiti mangsa² terbabit.
Secara peribadi saya respect dengan cara kerajaan Belanda membawa mayat² ini dengan penuh tertib dan sopan sekali. Ia termasuk juga dengan penyediaan kenderaan mayat yang membawa mangsa dari Lapangan Terbang Eindhoven, Belanda.
Mayat² akan dibawa ke Pengkalan Tentera di Hilversum, Belanda untuk siasatan selanjutnya. 

Menurut sumber lain, DNA dari keluarga mangsa telah pun diambil dan dibawa ke Belanda bagi proses mengenal identiti mangsa.
Saya mencadangkan agar kerajaan Malaysia memberi layanan yang terbaik juga untuk mayat² mangsa dari Malaysia. Berikan kepuasan kepada keluarga mangsa untuk merasa keselesaan dan dipermudahkan segala urusan mereka.


KLUANG, 20 Julai (Bernama) -- Malaysia hanya  mahu mengetahui apa yang berlaku terhadap pesawat Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Penerbangan MH17 dan tidak berminat dengan pertimbangan geopolitik antarabangsa melibatkan pertikaian Ukraine dan Rusia.

Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein berkata Malaysia tidak mahu terlibat dengan perbuatan tuduh-menuduh membabitkan negara-negara berkepentingan selepas pesawat MH17 itu terhempas di timur Ukraine pada Khamis.

"Bagi Malaysia, ini adalah pesawat kita, keluarga kita dan rakyat hanya mahukan yang terbaik. Kita mesti memberikan fokus yang terbaik untuk membawa balik jasad-jasad mangsa ke tanah air.

"Tuduh-menuduh, tuding-menuding jari atau pertimbangan geopolitik, itu saya tidak kisah," kata beliau kepada pemberita pada majlis Rahmat Ramadan di FELDA Ulu Pengeli di Kluang, Ahad.

Pesawat MH17 dalam perjalanan dari Amsterdam ke Kuala Lumpur ketika ia terhempas di Donetsk, timur Ukraine, berdekatan sempadan Rusia.

Pesawat malang itu membawa 283 penumpang dan 15 anak kapal itu.

Media asing melaporkan pesawat Boeing 777-200 itu dipercayai ditembak jatuh namun sehingga kini tiada siapa yang tampil mengaku bertanggungjawab terhadap insiden itu.

Hishammuddin berkata pasukan penyiasatan khas Malaysia perlu diberikan kebenaran untuk memasuki tapak nahas tanpa sebarang sekatan untuk mengetahui perkara sebenar serta mereka yang bertanggungjawab.

Selain itu katanya, akses ke kawasan kejadian juga akan membantu usaha membawa keluar mayat mangsa dan memastikan bukti-bukti penting mengenai kejadian itu terpelihara.

"Kita mahu merungkai perkara yang benar dan pihak yang bertanggungjawab, mereka perlu diheret ke muka pengadilan," katanya.

Menurutnya, lokasi kejadian perlu dipelihara daripada sebarang pencemaran kerana jika benar pesawat MH17 itu ditembak jatuh oleh peluru berpandu sebagaimana yang didakwa, kesan-kesan peluru berpandu atau serpihannya boleh dikesan.

"Ia (kesan atau serpihan peluru berpandu) akan membantu pasukan penyiasat mengenal pasti siapa yang bertanggungjawab," kata menteri itu.

Beberapa pihak antarabangsa sebelum ini mendakwa pesawat MH17 yang terbang pada ketinggian 33,000 kaki telah ditembak oleh peluru berpandu bumi ke udara "Buk M2" atau SA-11 "Gadfly".

Mengenai 196 mayat penumpang dan anak kapal pesawat MH17 yang didakwa telah dibawa keluar daripada lokasi kejadian, Hishammuddin mahu pihak berkenaan memberitahu di mana mayat-mayat itu kini ditempatkan.

Beliau mahukan pihak terbabit memberi kebenaran kepada pasukan penyiasatan khas Malaysia memeriksa mayat-mayat terbabit.

Ketika ditanya mengenai kotak hitam pesawat MH17, beliau berkata ada beberapa petanda mengenainya tetapi tiada kepastian sehingga kini.




[Artikel asal dalam Bahasa Inggeris yang ditulis dalam blog rasmi Tun Dr Mahathir - chedet semalam dan hari ini telah disekat kerana mungkin terlalu lantang dan bercakap benar mengenai apa yang berlaku kepada pesawat Malaysia Airlines yang hilang - MH370]


MH 370

1. Saya berasa kecewa apabila pekerja MAS dikepung di Beijing oleh ahli keluarga penumpang MH370 yang hilang. Saya juga terkilan kerana mereka menyalahkan pihak yang salah. Kehilangan pesawat ini adalah disebabkan oleh pembuat pesawat Boeing itu sendiri.

2. Mengapakah Boeing mereka pesawat yang begitu lemah dan mudah dilumpuhkan? Dalam keadaan yang sepatutnya, kru pesawat termasuk juruterbang, pembantu juruterbang boleh berhubung dengan KLIA. Walaupun ada kemungkinan juruterbang tidak mahu menghubungi KLIA, tetapi pembantu juruterbang sudah tentu sekali ada keazaman untuk memaklumkan stesyen operasi di darat sekiranya pesawat tidak terbang mengikuti jalan udara yang sepatutnya.

3. Jika sekiranya penumpang tidak perasan apa-apa yang di luar kebiasaan sekali pun, sudah tentu kru kabin, dan pembantu juruterbang dapat mengesannya. Mereka semua amat terlatih untuk berhadapan dengan kes-kes kecemasan.. jika tidak serta merta sekalipun.. setidak-tidaknya kemudian.

4. Tetapi apa yang berlaku, nampaknya tiada sesiapa pun di dalam kabin yang mencuba (maklumkan keanehan/keganjilan yang berlaku). Andainya juruterbang yang dengan sengaja mematikan system keselamatan, sudah tentu ia memerlukan sedikit masa dan usaha. Pembantu juruterbang pula sudah pasti perasan kelakuan aneh juruterbang dan setidak-tidaknya berbuat sesuatu untuk menghalang. Adakah pembantu juruterbang telah turut 'dilumpuhkan' (oleh siapa?), Adakah kesemua kru pesawat juga telah 'dilumpuhkan' (oleh siapa juga)?

5. Kesemua pesawat penumpang sepatutnya boleh dikesan, walaupun menggunakan teknologi biasa seperti telefon bimbit. Saya boleh lakukannya melalui telefon. Jika ia mendarat, saya boleh lihat status pendaratannya. Saya juga boleh memperoleh maklumat mengenai mana-mana pesawat di mana jua – siapa pembuatnya, model apa, kepunyaan siapa.. ke mana dan dari mana ia terbang dan destinasinya.

6. Saya yakin dan percaya terdapat peralatan di dalam pesawat yang membolehkan ia dikesan – mungkin GPS.

7. Peralatan kamera canggih yang terpasang pada satelit-risikan (di angkasa) yang dikendali oleh beberapa buah kuasa besar dunia sebenarnya mampu mengambil gambar manusia (di atas muka bumi) dan sekaligus mengenalpasti identity manusia terbabit. Sudah semestinya kamera seperti ini lebih daripada mampu untuk mengesan objek sebesar 63 meter (pesawat Boeing)

8. Kali ini, pesawat MH370 telah hilang secara mutlak. Saya jangkakan di dalam telefon bimbit semua orang, ia juga telah hilang. Peralatan keselamatan di atas pesawat telah dimatikan. Malah, sistem keselamatan lapisan kedua dan ketiga (back-up) juga telah dilumpuhkan.

9. Pesawat MH370 ini dibina oleh Boeing. Oleh itu, Boeing patut menjelaskan bagaimanakah segala sistem keselamatan dan pengesan pesawat canggih ini boleh dimatikan, dalam erti kata lain.. gagal. Ini menjurus kepada rumusan samada teknologi Boeing sangat teruk, atau ia tidak selamat. Saya tidak akan terbang menaiki pesawat Boeing , sekiranya Boeing tidak mampu menjelaskan isu terbabit.

10. Sistem penerbangan kawalan jauh (drone) sekarang amat maju dan berkuasa. Apakah benar Boeing telah memasang sistem kawalan jauh ke atas pesawatnya bagi mengelak aktiviti rampasan dan keganasan? Jika benar.. maka kenapa ia tidak dikawal bagi membolehkan MH370 mendarat dengan selamat? Adakah tidak mustahil bagi pihak ke-tiga (selain Boeing dan MAS) mengambilalih kapal terbang dan mengawalnya dari jauh?

11. Apabila pesawat terhempas.. biarpun di atas tanah, mahupun di laut.. sudah pati ada bangkai pesawat ataupun tompokan minya. Sehingga tarikh ini, tiada satu pun yang menjadi bukti terhempasnya pesawat. Persoalannya, bolehkah pesawat terhempas/tenggelam dengan begitu sempurna sehinga tiada kesan apa sekali pun?

12. Bolehkah kita percaya pesawat ini (MH370) jatuh dengan begitu tenang sekali di dalam lautan ganas (Laut Hindi) dan tenggelam dengan begitu mudah ke dalam lautan? (tanpa meninggalkan sebarang petunjuk)

13. Sudah menjadi amalan kebiasaan, apabila pesawat terhempas, sepasukan pakar akan tiba ke lokasi dengan segera untuk mencari punca terhempasnya peawat. Boeing dan pihak berkuasa SEPATUTNYA berusaha mencari kapal terbang tersebut. TETAPI Boeing langsung tidak menunjukkan minat mencari, dan sebenarnya seperti langsung tidak menolong proses pencarian.

14. Syarikat penerbangan nasional MAS telah mengendalikan pelbagai pesawat dan ada rekod yang cemerlang. Juruterbang MAS juga amat terlatih. Jika sekiranya juruterbang ingin membunuh diri sekalipun, sudah tentu pembantu juruterbang dan kru kabin tidak akan membenarkannya berbuat demikian (demi keselamatan penumpang). Tetapi kali ini, ada kemungkinan kesemua kru penerbangan sudah 'dilumpuhkan' sama sekali (melalui cara yang tidak kita ketahui)

15. Boeing perlu menjawab kesemua persoalan ini. Boeing mesti membuktikan kesemua kemungkinan mengapa sistem komunikasi boleh dimatikan. Boeing patut menanggung tanggungjawab kerana membina sebuah pesawat yang boleh tiba-tiba hilang begitu sahaja secara total di tengah-tengah udara.

16. MAS tidak bersalah. MAS terlah menerbangkan pesawat untuk menjalankan tugas. Tetapi pesawat Boeing tersebut telah bekelakuan luar dari kebiasaan. SIapa yang harus bertanggungjawab? Sudah tentu bukan MAS, tapi pastinya pembuat kapal terbang tersebut.. iaitu Boeing Aircraft Corporation


Thank You, Mr Prime Minister!

YAB Datuk Seri Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak
YAB Datuk Seri Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak, the Prime Minister of Malaysia

When the world leaders were busy politicking and/or taking side over the shooting down of MH17, our PM YAB Datuk Seri Najib bin Tun Razak was quietly and relentlessly negotiating behind the scene with the separatist group in Ukraine to secure the release of the remains of the passengers, crew and two black boxes of MH17. Congratulation to Mr Prime Minister Najib, you have made the nation proud you. You have shown your leadership during crisis.

Under normal circumstances, the “popular” or easiest way out for any PM was to go along with the power that be by condemning another nation on the shooting down of MH17 but our PM did not embark on such irresponsible act.

When the news of MH17 was shot down broke out, YAB PM immediately attend a briefing in the wee hours of the morning. He remained calm and held several press conferences to keep the families of the victims and the world informed of the matters in connection with MH17 without jumping into the conclusion to accuse others for shooting down MH17 and/or condemn any sovereign state. The PM kept all his statements factual. He was calling for an in-depth investigation into the tragedy of MH17, which was the most appropriate stand to take.

Mr PM, Sir, you have made Malaysia feel proud of you. We stand by you during this difficult time.
Our thoughts are with the families of the passengers and crew of MH17.


MH17 and how we brokered the deal with rebels (with pics) 

Source : Read More Here (Rocky's Bru) 

Malaysian quiet diplomacy at work in Kiev, Ukraine
Over buka puasa with a senior rep from the Prime Minister's Office the other night, everybody wanted to know the same thing: How did Najib Razak pull it off? Our friend said he didn't have the details. Of course the bloggers weren't convinced but later our friend whispered to me, "My boss kept it to himself and just a couple of people involved in the nego(tiations). We were only told of the deal at the very last minute. And that's the truth!" I believe him. There was no bitterness in his voice; like (most) everyone else, our friend was happy the deal was gotten.  
Apparently, their journalists don't have the details, either. What's clear is that all quarters are in awe of Malaysian and Najib Razak. 
But we are reminded by Medan Abdullah, a Malaysian working abroad, PM Najib's "quiet diplomacy" has always been "the Malaysian way (that we always knew was there)". True, that. Our roles in ending Apartheid in South Africa, the genocide in Bosia-Herzegovina, the isolation of Myanmar and, of course, our untiring on-going support for peace in Gaza and Palestine are proof that as a nation we've never been afraid to go our own way in the international scene, without having to kowtow to the so-called superpowers.  
BTW, contrary to popular belief, Najib's quiet diplomacy is not just about making or getting phone calls as these pics attest ...
President of Ukraine signing the MH17 condolence book at our embassy in Kiev
Dutch FM
With the OZ governor general
Our delegation with the Vice Premier of Ukraine and its Foreign Minister
Malaysian delegation with the Dutch PM
Our delegation meets Australian Foreign Minister

p.s. My friend Medan also wrote that we all need to rally around each other as Malaysians during times like this.  Save your MAS and Najib-bashing for another time. Thank you, YB Wee Choo Keong for showing the way in Thank you, Mr Prime Minister. The Rakyat Post has been doing write-ups in support of the national airline e.g. Support for MAS gets louder. And I was told a group of residents from Taman Tun Dr Ismail is planning to do a greet-and-hug MAS staff at the KLIA to lift everybody's spirit ...  

Wednesday 23 July 2014


#MH17 : Gambar Dan Video!!! Di Sebalik Rundingan Najib VS Borodai

 Source From Belia Bangkit Blog Here

Kejayaan rundingan di antara kerajaan Malaysia dengan pemberontak Ukraine dalam insiden MH17 mendapat liputan dan pujian di peringkat antarabangsa. Segala perjanjian telah tercapai apabila Najib Razak bercakap dengan Alexander Borodai, pemimpin yang dirujuk sebagai 'who is in command of the region where the tragedy occurred' oleh Najib Razak.

Lihat butir-butir perjanjian tersebut di sini.... Manakala di bawah ini adalah dokumen perjanjian di antara pihak Alexander Borodai dengan kerajaan Malaysia seperti yang tersebar di dalam twitter :

Lihat seterusnya dokumen perjanjian tersebut di sini

Malah usaha Perdana Menteri untuk menyelesaikan isu MH17 telah mendapat liputan media asing. Akhbar The New York Times, misalnya memuji tindakan pemimpin negara dalam mencapai persetujuan dengan pemberontak pro Rusia tanpa mempedulikan sebarang tekanan daripada negara kuasa besar. Lihat video berikut :


Malaysian Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak

Penyiasat Malaysia Kongsi Pengalaman Berunding Dengan A. Borodai!!!

Ketua Penolong Setiausaha Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) Lt Kol Mohd Sukri Hussain Mohd Sukri hari ini menceritakan pengalamannya berunding dengan pasukan pemisah Ukraine bagi mengambil mayat dan kotak hitam MH17.
Katanya, beliau ke Donestk pada 4 petang Ahad bersama 11 anggota lain pasukan itu, dan terpaksa menempuh 12 pusat pemeriksaan, lapor Bernama.

Selepas lima jam perjalanan, beliau bertemu dengan ketua kumpulan pemisah Alexander Borodai dan mula berunding tentang 11 perkara.
"Tiga perkara dibincangkan iaitu urusan mengambil mayat mangsa, kotak hitam dan bangkai pesawat berkenaan.

"Borodai bersetuju memenuhi semua permintaan Malaysia, tanpa sebarang syarat," beliau dipetik sebagai berkata.

Mohd Sukri juga dilaporkan menambah, pasukan itu amat mengagumi Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak atas kejayaan tersebut, kerana ia adalah hasil tindakan beliau menghubungi kerajaan Ukraine dan Borodai.

Seorang lagi anggota pasukan perunding Malaysia, Rosli Shaari pula berkata dalam rundingan di pejabat Borodai itu, beliau melihat kumpulan pemisah menggantung sekeping gambar pesawat Malaysia di penjuru bilik, dengan beberapa pasu bunga diletakkan di atas meja di bawah gambar itu sebagai tanda ucapan takziah kepada mangsa.


VIDEO - Ketua Pemisah Hubungi Pakar Malaysia!!!

BORODAI: Mayat-mayat yang berjaya dikumpul tidak akan di bawa ke Kiev.

DONETSK: Ketua pemberontak, Alexander Borodai tampil dalam satu sidang media mengesahkan sudah menghubungi 12 pakar dari Malaysia.

Kesemua mereka akan ke Donetsk untuk pengurusan mayat mangsa nahas MH17.

Borodai dalam sidang media ini menghuraikan beberapa perkara berbangkit.

  • Pertama, mengenai pengurusan mangsa nahas serta akses ke lokasi kejadian.

  • Selain itu, ketua puak pemisah pro Rusia ini mengesahkan mayat-mayat yang berjaya dikumpul tidak akan di bawa ke Kiev.

  • Borodai turut mengulas mengenai kotak hitam MH17.

  • Beliau mengesahkan kotak hitam berada dalam simpanan kumpulannya dan hanya akan menyerahkannya kepada Pertubuhan Penerbangan Awam Antarabangsa, ICAO.